Thursday, August 14, 2008

And now he turns 6 !!

Bday boy and his cake

Our big swingin' party...doesn't Aaron look

Nellie telling us how the party is boring and
what we are supposed to be doing!

Frosting face

My sweetheart!!

So, Brodey woke up EARLY this morning, very grumpy. I's going to be on of those days. Well, turns out that he wanted to go to school right then, at 5:30am! Guess he's liking it! Anyways, all he wanted was peach oatmeal for breakfast. Brought cookies to school for a treat, and had lunch with him. He loved that I was there and would only let certain friends sit by me. We played basketball at recess and he's really good. All the kids kept telling him how good he was. He was so happy. After school, I was getting ready to go get them from the bus stop at 3:05 like it came on the first day, but here they came walking at 2:40. What the heck? I'm glad Bailey walked them home. I'm sure the bus won't come until 3:00 tomorrow to keep me on my toes. Brodey was mad again that I wasn't there to get him. Maybe I'll get it right tomorrow !!

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