Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nellie's dance recital.

Well, this has been a very busy week for all of us! Last week of school, babysitting, Ammon's graduation, planting the garden, irrigation, 500 trips to Show Low because Aaron refuses to shop at True Value, STILL remodeling the living room, ME trying to clean up the remodeling and irrigation mess, recital practice, and FINALLY, the BIG Recital! Well, today is Sunday, so it's my day of rest, right? Nope, have to catch up on all the laundry i've been neglecting. Oh well, it's summer right!
Please don't mind the crazy mom talking and cheering in the background!!

Nellie's tap dance. She is in the front row, second from left. Yes, she bows at the end!

The Jazz dance. She is in the same spot in this one. Her hat c0mes undone, and she almost starts crying during the dance....but she recovers!

And finally the big ballet number!

1 comment:

Trezise Momma said...

I would bow too, if I were as cute and talented as Nellie! Cute videos! I hope the coming months slow down for you.