Monday, April 20, 2009

Nellie turns 5 !!!

Opening gifts once we got home.

Birthday breakfast at Aunt Annie's

Waking up birthday morning.

Posing for pictures at the Chinese Cultural Center.

Lets not talk about the cake. It tasted good though.

Well, I've been a bad blogger!
I can't believe my Nells just turned 5 ! We kind of ruined her birthday by being in the valley for all of Aaron's testing, but we had a lot of fun. We stayed with Aunt Annie, went to the zoo, to the IMAX a couple of times, to the park, and to the mall. We were supposed to be home on her birthday, so when we found out we had to stay in the valley, she was upset. All her presents were at home and her party had to be cancelled =( But Aunt Annie's made Nells her favorite breakfast ( waffles, strawberries, whipped cream, and sausage ! ) and took Brodey to get her a present. Thanks so much guys! Anyways, when we got home, we went to Grandma's for cupcakes and presents, and then we went home to wrap her presents really fast! It was a crazy week, but we all had fun!

1 comment:

Trezise Momma said...

Happy Birthday, Nellie! I love the picture you took of her at the Chinese Cultural center. So pretty. And the cake is awesome!!